Classical Hatha Yoga
Andrew Baker
phone: UK +44 7497 402 371 India +91 8098 785 768
Be the Best that You Can Be

ULTIMATE FITNESS:  Angamardhana and Surya Shakti


How fit are you?  Could you run 72 miles in one day?  Sadhguru’s own yoga teacher did so one day (to avoid being late for work when his train was delayed).  He was 86 years old at the time!


Yoga looks at fitness as much more than simply strong muscles and a good heart.  Isha’s yogic exercise regimes:


  • work on the joints and skeletal system as well as the muscles;
  • the immune system as well as the cardiac system;
  • they improve the working of the lungs as well as the heart; and
  • they massage the internal organs.
    • Strengthening the spine, skeletal and muscular system
    • Building physical strength, flexibility, fitness and tenacity
    • Taking years off the body, bringing a sense of lightness and freedom


Angamardana and Surya Shakti are both exercise regimes rooted in yogic science, offering everyone the opportunity to invigorate their body and to reach peak physical and mental health.  They are even suitable for those who are infirm, or recovering from injury.


These need no fitness equipment and can be practiced anywhere, even during travel.  The practitioner can decide how gently or vigorously to perform these programmes, according to their own fitness and intentions.


“Angamardana” means gaining complete mastery over the limbs, organs and other parts of the body.  This 1-hour practice is believed to be a pre-cursor of various martial arts.  It builds muscle tone without creating bulk.  The joints and skeletal system receive a thorough work-out, strengthening them to reduce the risk of injury in everyday life or sports.  At the same time, it improves the flexibility of joints.


“Surya Shakti” is an effective and holistic indoor aerobic exercise for the whole body.  It has the advantage that it can be performed gently or vigorously, and can continue for just a few minutes or to the limit of endurance.  So, it is valuable for those who are infirm or of poor health, but can also be used as a full work-out by those who are extremely fit.


These practices revitalise in many ways:

  • Strengthening the spine, skeletal and muscular system
  • Building physical strength, flexibility, fitness and tenacity
  • Taking years off the body, bringing a sense of lightness and freedom